Wednesday, August 14, 2002

The Boys Club

Just had a moment of clarity after breaking down and calling him and hearing his housemates in the background. Everything is all googly-eyes and sweetness when we're alone, but when his friends and brother are around, it's like he's so concerned about what they think that he doesn't know how to act. I know those guys and they are the masters at dishing out crap. So, he wasn't really in a position to have any kind of serious conversation because the guys were all standing right there listening. I'm sensitive to that. I kept the conversation light and short and let him know some of us are thinking about going to Portland this weekend. I said I would call him if we decide for sure to go up there but didn't know if he already had plans. He said he didn't have anything going on other than working until close Saturday night and softball Sunday afternoon, so he'd be around and I should call him when I know what's going on. I don't know if that's encouraging or if I should be kicking myself... ugh.

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