Tuesday, August 20, 2002

What the hell is wrong with people?

I got a really disturbing e-mail today telling me about an incident that took place this past weekend. The story goes like this: four guys and two girls I know were standing in a parking lot talking outside a salsa club in downtown Eugene. They had all been inside dancing and having a great time, I'm sure, and were saying their goodbyes and heading home for the night. A van full of big guys rolls up and starts talking to them and at some point, racial comments were made along the lines of -You need to go back to Mexico* because you're just a bunch of fuckin' wetbacks- .....then six guys got out of the van and started beating up the four guys I know....with no provocation or anything. At one point, one of the guys from the van would hold one of the guys I know while someone else hit him. Two of the guys I know have split lips and all four have various cuts, scrapes and bruises. One of the girls called the police and they ended up pulling the van over after the guys piled back in and drove off. One of the guys in the van was arrested and is now being charged with racially motivated assault.

This whole situation is messed up on several levels and it just makes me sick. I can not believe people like that even exist on the same planet as the rest of us.

*Two of the four guys aren't even from Mexico. They're Guatamalan. It was a stupid comment to make anyway, but it just goes to show how ignorant people really are when they assume everyone who is Hispanic is from Mexico.*

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