Monday, August 19, 2002

Making myself crazy for nothing

Ok, so I'm retarded. So's he. Apparently, we both spent last week wondering what the other was thinking and how the other felt about things and everyone was on the same page all along. Once we got to talking about everything, I told him about all stuff I'd been worrying myself over all week. You never know how those confessions - positive or negative - will be taken when you're starting to work out a relationship, so I think that's why it's so hard for most people to just open the floodgates and speak from the heart. So, I'm pretty proud of myself for finally being able to say how I feel without expectations. The response was more than I could have asked for anyway and will likely go down in history as the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Now I can breathe... and work on keeping the cheesy grinning at work to a minimum.

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