Monday, August 26, 2002

Ummmm... ooookk.

Huh. I got fired today. And I'm not altogether sure why. When I said I was stunned and could my boss elaborate on what I'd done or not done to warrant the termination, she just said things weren't working out and that I wasn't performing to the standard they expected after being there almost a year (my one year would have been next week). Strangely, I hadn't ever gotten a verbal or written warning about my performance. In fact, I got an outstanding performance review at the 6 month mark and an apology for not being able to give me a raise due to a company-wide wage freeze. I mentioned this and that I felt blind-sided by the whole thing and she said she wasn't surprised that I was shocked but didn't give me any concrete explainations. Then, she slid a check across the desk and asked me to pack up my things. She stood there and watched while I collected my personal belongings and watched me walk out the front door. She'd asked me not to say my goodbyes to co-workers in person at that time, but to make phone calls from home at a later time so I couldn't talk to anyone.... I just walked out without saying anything.

I don't really know what else to say.

Could be that this is the kick in the ass I need to find a job and move to Portland. Don't know for sure. Something has to happen, though... this has to be for a reason....

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