Post-Christmas Whine
It's the same every year: lots of food, drink, presents and merriment followed by a bloated, melancholy feeling that leads to my post-Christmas whine. Why can't we hibernate for the whole month of January? No holidays after the 1st until the end of May?!?!?! That's five months! Guh. I should have won the lottery by now... Is it 4pm on Friday yet? When is it my turn for a raise? Do I really have to get up and go to work? *whine*The build up to Christmas high leaves us crashing for a few weeks and inevitably ends in a cold/the flu. My man already has some sort of head and chest gunge with the coughing and sneezing and sniffling... I'm likely a day or three behind as the tickle in my throat is telling of a less than pleasant few days of tissue making a semi-permanent home in my pockets. EmergenC and zinc will become an integral part of breakfast and while my friends are out playing, I'll be laying comatose aside from the occasional nose blowing session.
This year is particularly tough because of the unusual snow and below freezing temperatures that came the week before Christmas and stuck around until the 26th, only to be replaced with dirty streets, 40-something degree temps and an ugly blahness that has washed over the city. To me, the snow was beautiful. And though it caused some folks grief by keeping them indoors for a week, I appreciated the time alone with my sweetie and dog and movies and good food and much needed rest. The normal go-go-go of December was replaced with stay in-stay in-stay in and I loved every minute of it. I suppose I'm just not ready for it to be over.