Monday, July 08, 2002

Back to the grind

I could get used to a 3 day work week. Having 4 days off and nothing planned was sorta nice...the extra sleep made up for the boredom. I actually attempted to go out Thursday night, but when I got to Jo Federigo's, it was empty and dark. Guess the dueling fireworks displays on the opposite sides of town caused a crimp in the space-time continuum and all of the stuff that was previously scheduled at the same time just got lost in the process. I'm gonna try to go tonight and see if it was just me or the holiday. I haven't ever been to the open mike night at this place, so it should be interesting. Not that I'm going to sign up to sing or anything... because that would NOT be interesting. That would just be bad. I don't think anyone but me would appreciate my punk version of "Pennies From Heaven"...

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