Monday, July 01, 2002

Short Week

Just got the ok to take Friday off, so I'm looking at a 4 day weekend. Yeah baby, yeah! Since my sister is coming home this Friday from Brazil, I'll have an extra day to get my house clean and stock the fridge and do laundry. Knowing my luck, though, she'll sleep the whole time she's here. D'oh.... I guess if I'm going to all the trouble of stocking the fridge and cleaning, I could always have a little shin-dig.

On a totally unrelated note, I've had that Jimmy Eat World song "Sweetness" in my head all morning and when I went to my local cd store to buy the new album, they were sold out. The dude behind the counter said to come back next week when they get their next shipment. Damn. So I'm stuck with this song in my head for a week unless I can find it somewhere else and if I can't, I'm afraid my brain might explode.

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