Tuesday, July 23, 2002

Quick and painless

I have set a new record for the shortest lived crush ever. A little disappointing, but easily gotten over. It's not that hard for a decent guy to catch my attention, but I usually know within the first meeting with someone new if they have potential or not. I've got a list that's three items long of requirements for potential dating material:

1. good sense of humor.
2. good hygiene.
3. non-smoker.

That's not that hard to find, right? Wrong. Point in case: trumpet player guy is funny in a nerdy sort of way. Check. He appeared to have bathed in the last 24 hours and his shirt even looked pressed. Check. Found out last night that he smokes. Ugh. How does that even work? I mean, playing an instrument that requires serious lung power and being a smoker? Anyway, I had previously thought he was super cute and super talented....now he's just super talented. Too bad.

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