Monday, July 22, 2002

Well, fancy meeting you here...again

Finally got the gumption to go to Jo Fed's by myself. I'm usually not such a weinie about doing stuff on my own, but sitting alone in a night club at a table for two always seemed a little sad. Such was not the case Friday night. First, the band was the same one I'd seen back in February and really liked, so that was cool. The aforementioned cutie trumpet player came and sat with me during one of their breaks and we chatted for a bit which was also cool. A guy from my softball team and a few of his friends showed up, asked me to come sit with them, complimented my art and taught me how to play backgammon. How could I not like that? So boys and girls, the moral of the story is: meeting people is easy if you put yourself in a completely foreign environment and look friendly. Or really sad. ;-) I'd like to thank Chris for being a tired old man and not coming with me that night, Rob for lending me his balls a few months back, my sister for leaving town and not inviting me, and last but not least Craig over at Eyesaw for reminding me that I should try something new every day.

Big ups to Annabelle's Candy Co. for making people rock my sweet tooth...

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