Tuesday, July 02, 2002

Playing catch up

Ever have someone you haven't thought about in years suddenly call or send you a letter or send an e-mail your way? It's sorta weird and sorta cool but usually just proves that some things never change. So, yesterday I decided to shoot an e-mail to a childhood friend who I haven't seen or heard from in about 8 or 9 years. His family lived next door to mine in California when I was 2 and he was 4. After we moved to Guam when I was 6, Robert's family came to visit us and then came to see us in Santa Fe when I was 13 and we all went to Canada together a year or two later. We haven't seen each other since I was staying with my grandparents one summer during college.

My mom and his have kept in touch all this time and I get the occasional update about what's going on with him and his two brothers after our moms spend a few hours on the phone. He was the first boy I ever had a crush on and I remember thinking when I was about 4 or 5 that we'd get married but still live next door to each other because I didn't want to have to share my stuff with my sister AND him. As we got older, I remember him being really mean to me and acting like he hated me when anyone was around, but then was nice and fun to hang out with when we were alone. And people wonder why men freak me out... Anyway, my mom had mentioned to me the other day that she and Robert's mom had spent about 2 hours catching up on the phone and told me what all three boys had been doing for the last year or two. Must have had that in my head because I had a dream about this time Robert and I got busted by my dad for sitting on top of the washer in my kitchen on Guam and cussing just to be cussing. Funny thing is, my dad never said anything and never told anyone about it. Weird. So, on a whim, I decided to look up his company online and see if I could track him down. I did and we caught each other up some about what we're doing, who we're not dating, and where we're living. It'd be interesting to see him now that we're adults just to see if age and maturity have anything to do with each other...

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