Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Go Go Go Me, It's My Birthday

In two hours, my parents and sister will be here to take me out and about for the day. We're going to Todai for dinner, coming back here so I can change into the kickass dress I bought for tonight and then it's off the the bar for yet another night of singing and drinking. Yay!

I'd like to add a digital camera to my birthday wish list, but I'm afraid it's probably too late and I've already got the three of the seven things on the list spoken for, so I'm not holding my breath for anything else. In case you're wondering, I did not get a Vespa, dresser, messenger bag or cute boy. I'm not expecting the first three and there's only one boy I would want to make out with, but he's otherwise occupied this evening, so I'm taking that option for gift giving off the list. Also, my boss did in fact give me a bottle of tequila from her trip to Mexico for my birthday. That is damn cool.

Ok, back to watching tv...I mean HBO.

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