Sunday, July 04, 2004

How Many Pockets Do These Pants Have?

I got a pair of men's cargo pants from the Gap yesterday ($9.99...couldn't say no) and I'm still finding pockets. Do all men's pants have a pocket inside the right for a key or change or something? And what's the deal with the snaps on the cuffs? Am I actually supposed to snap them or are those just for flash? I'm confused.

I other news, I've been in a funk for the last week or so and I've decided to blame men. That's the only logical explaination. I'd blame women, but then I'd be taking the blame myself and we can't have that. Actually, the real issues are money and love and my lack of both.

The money issue is definitely my own fault. I've never been good with money and I make more than enough not to have to live on ramen noodles and pb&j. If I weren't nurturing my alcoholic tendencies and didn't go out so much, this wouldn't be an issue anymore. Which brings me to problem #2: love. I want it, I don't have it and I'm a little bitter about it. I'm starting to think it doesn't exist. Dramatic statement, no? Well, it's come to this: I'll believe in it when I see it. Damn, how did I get so jaded?

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