Sunday, September 07, 2003


After lazing around for a good portion of yesterday I met up with Owen at Captain Ankeny’s for beer and pizza. Around 7ish, O's friend Eric met us and dropped off Owen’s bike and we all went our separate ways. I had gotten a choice parking spot that I didn’t want to give up, so I wandered over to Backspace and played Halo with strangers for awhile to kill the time before the 9pm show at Dante’s. If you live in Portland and like video games (old school Atari, new Xbox or PC), coffee, Voodoo Donuts, art, pool, chess, comfy couches or any combination of the above, go to Backspace. Seriously, go. Dude, they have Tron! Ok, I know… I’m a dork. But to quote my friend Guy: “Dorks rule.”

In other news, I went to three of the four shows I planned to hit last night and also managed to get a beer in and say hey to the bartenders at The Boiler Room between shows. I went back to the guys’ house after the Dr. Theopolis show and got home before 5am, so that’s something. I slept until almost 12:30 and the only thing on my agenda today is laundry and maybe watching a movie. This means pajamas all day. Not that you needed to know that, but whatever…

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