Monday, September 22, 2003

Love/Hate Relationship With Music

Most of the time I love music...which I'm sure is obvious based on how much I write about it and surround myself with people who play instruments and sing and love it as much as or more than I do. Today, I threw a mixed cd into the player on the way home from work and the next thing I know, I'm thinking about Jeremiah. Haven't thought about him in months. Stupid cd. I hate it when a song takes you somewhere you don't want to go in the mental archives. Can't do anything about it either because, like a lot of the people I know, I believe every moment worth remembering has a song attached to it...kind of like a soundtrack for your life. And just like there are some songs that will forever be associated with certain movies ("Pretty In Pink," "Take My Breath Away," "Danke Schein"), there are some songs that always make me think of certain people. In some cases, like today, I wish I could do something about reassociate the songs that remind me of people I'd rather forget with people I love. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Stupid cd...

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