Wednesday, September 17, 2003

I know, I know…

Usually when I don’t post anything for a few days it means I’ve been out playing and I’m just too tired by the time I get home to turn on the laptop… But I will have you know that the last three nights I’ve been at home and in bed before 10pm. Just haven’t been in the mood to be around anyone and I’ve been catching up on my movie watching. While I will never deny that I am a social creature, I’ve always preferred hanging out with one or two people at a time. I love going out, but I’m just as happy staying home with a friend or three and watching a movie or playing a game. And I think the recent change in weather is kicking my brain into stay-at-home mode. I’m ready to bundle up and wear sweaters and coats and scarves and hats and boots and drink hot chocolate and read a book…basically, I’m going into hibernation mode. Now, this is not to say that I won’t ever want to go out. For example, I have a standing date with the karaoke bar on Wednesday nights. Unless I’m dead tired, sick, dying or some force of nature stops me (like a kick ass concert I can’t miss or, god forbid, an actual date), I’ll be out on Wednesday night. Beyond that, who knows? Yeah, I know, all that staying home is going to make for a less-than-thrilling blog, but maybe I’ll actually start writing more personal stuff rather than all the so-I-went-to-this-show stuff I’ve lately been posting. We’ll see what happens…

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