Sunday, September 14, 2003

Shopper By Day, Movie Watcher By Night

After closing out The Boiler Room on Friday with Sally and Steph R. (so much for staying home, eh?), Jenn and I decided to drive out to 82nd and feed a Jack In The Box craving. Needless to say, we got to sleep around 4am. Consequently, we did not get up at 7am to go to the wall raising for the 100th house in Portland built by Habitat For Humanity. Yeah, we suck but we were well rested and we needed all the sleep we could get before brunch at the Cricket Cafe and the urban hiking trip we took right after (read: shopping extravaganza). Selfish? Maybe. But I'm willing to accept that. After we finally got shopped out, the only thing I wanted to do was veg out on the couch and watch movies, so I called Eric to see what what on his agenda and asked him if he was up for movies and pizza. Since no one can say no to that, he showed up about and hour and a half later. I'd gotten five movies for the week and we managed to get through three last night: House on Haunted Hill, Waking Life and Daredevil. I still have Unbreakable and Dracula 2000, which I'll most likely watch tonight. Today, I have to go out to Clackamas Town Center, but since I'm still sorta shopped out, it'll hopefully be a quick exchange and then I can come back and take a nap.

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