Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Aw Man.

Had a great time last night at Noah’s housewarming/Brad’s birthday party. The usual BR suspects were there and copious amounts of alcohol were consumed. I spent a good portion of the night talking to Joe (this made me happy), who ended up crashing on my couch so I could make sure he got up to go to class this morning. I pulled up next to his car, which was still parked at Noah’s, and when he got out, we saw that someone had smashed his back driver’s side window and stolen his bag with all of his school books in it! Ugh. I felt so bad, knowing that he’d just spent $300 to get his car back from the shop after having it break down on a freeway on-ramp and who knows how much on books for the term. Plus, we’d just spent part of the night commiserating about how broke we both are. Sucky way to end an otherwise fun night.

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