Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Frickin', Frickin', Frickin'...

So, I go home last night and try to dial into the internet and what happens? Nothing. The modem isn't getting a dial tone. Huh. Interesting. So I call my roommate and ask her if anyone had disconnected the phone and maybe just forgotten to tell me and she said not as far as she knew. After checking out the latest phone bill, it turns out it's three payments behind and therefore has been shut off. That's just great. Who knows where the money I gave her for my half of the bills went, but apparently the phone company didn't get it. So, now I can't get online at home until I move to a new place. *sigh* Fantastic. Also, I never got a call on Monday about going out that night, so it didn't happen. It wasn't a solid plan so it's no big deal, but I just wish people would call when they say they will. I don't think that's asking too much.

On a lighter note, there's talk about living with Lara instead of Owen. He's still up in the air about his relationship with his ex and Lara is for sure needing a roommate so the idea has been thrown out there for discussion. Owen's has already said go for it, I'm going to talk to her more about it tonight, and hopefully she can come look at the place I want to move into on Hawthorne tomorrow. If this works out, I'll have to figure out how to pay rent there by myself until she can move in March. Please, please, please make this work. I just want to be settled somewhere before my birthday. I want to start my 30th year in a good physical and mental space, so please let this work.

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