Have A Nice Trip, See You Next Fall...
After having fun hanging out with Taryn for a bit, then cruising around by myself, shopping, getting a pedicure and picking up Chinese food for dinner (lunch?), I was having a great Saturday. I got home and took a shower, put on a new skirt and t-shirt and the shoes I bought when I was down in Eugene last weekend. I did a final mirror check before I walked out: Cute top? Check. Cute skirt? Check. Hair and makeup done? Check. Cute shoes? ....This final check would prove to be my downfall in a few minutes.(pun intended)
I walked out the front door, looked down the hall to see my nextdoor neighbor doing the same and we exchanged the usual small talk. He was about 8-10 feet in front of me on the way down the stairs and offered to get the door for me. I had another five stairs to go and I'm not sure what happened but my feet got all twisted and the new heels weren't helping and the next thing I knew, I was face down in the foyer. Guh. The neighbor turned around and asked if I'm ok, to which I responded with a mix of embarrassment and pain, "I knew this was gonna happen at some point...I hate stairs!" I got up and looked down at my legs. Not pretty. Knees scraped, shins dented in and threatening to start bleeding, and ankles already bruising and scraped. Aw man! Way to be graceful in heels and a skirt. I, of course, went back upstairs (slowly and painfully), took off the evil shoes of evil, got a bag of ice from the freezer and iced up the damage.
For a few minutes, I pondered the possibility that this was a sign not to go out. I'd been out every night since Tuesday, I was tired and hurt and the fall had me feeling like the klutzy 10 year old girl I once was who fell all the time and had scraped knees on a regular basis. Then I looked down at my freshly polished toes and realized it was just a sign not to cover them up with the stupid shoes I'd been wearing. So I put on flip-flops and went out. By the end of the night, my legs didn't hurt one bit. So, the moral of the story is: you don't have to be drunk to fall down, but drinking sure helps after you do.