Sunday, November 23, 2003

Short Week Ahead...Woo!

This weekend was ...interesting. D picked me up Friday evening and we headed down to the bar. After awhile, he was tired and ready to go so we stopped at my house to pick up clean clothes and made our way back to his house. He woke up Saturday and was running a super high fever....he's usually warm, but it was like his skin was on fire. I sent him straight to the shower and when that didn't cool him off, I proceeded directly to plan B: Shauna's evil cold towel torture treatment. That helped a bit and after a bowl of soup, oj, water and some Tylenol, I sent him back to sleep for a few hours. Once we got going again, we headed down to get a pizza and say hi at to the folks at the bar and then it was back to my place and to bed. Today, he left early to pick up his grandparents from the airport and I slept late...'til almost 1pm. I got up and called Shauna to see if she and Trip were into seeing Gothika and they were so about an hour later we picked up D and headed out to Century 16. In a few minutes, we're heading out to get food and then I have a three day work week to get through before a four day weekend. I can't wait. Four days to sleep in. Yeah baby yeah. More later...

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