Thursday, January 17, 2002

Being sick blows...but I digress...

...cough....sniffle....cough..... what's a girl gotta do to get some friggin' sleep? Can't sleep because I can't breathe. Can't breathe because I'm laying down. It's a conspiracy. And if I have to blow my nose one more time, my nostrils are gonna be hamburger. Ok, enough whining and on to the normal hoodlyhoo... So, I was trying to fall asleep last night by listening to the radio and became mesmorized by that Incubus song "I wish you were here." Something about that guy's voice just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy....and it's not just that song, it's his voice. It's hard to explain but some people's voices just have this effect on my brain....I get that melty eating milk chocolate. So, that's what I need: an man with a melty voice to tell me a story or sing me to sleep every night....aaahhhhh....

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