Thursday, January 10, 2002

Where's the off switch?

Most of my working days start about the same way: the radio clicks on exactly 47 minutes before I actually have to get up (if you do the sleepy-time math, that's 5 x snooze + bed-to-room temperature conversion and adjustment + bed-to-bathroom equilibrium's all very scientific), 30 minutes of pre-departure prep time and an 8 minute walk to work. That's only 85 minutes of "slow time"- the alternate reality we float through before our brains completely wake up and everything happens on auto-pilot in slow motion - each day, which is a precious commodity in my world. I used to have an abundance of "slow time" and never really appreciated it until about 4 months ago when it was violently stripped away by work and the holidays and family obligations and out-of-town visitors and new friends and old friends and, well, you get the picture. Those 8 minutes between my house and work are amazingly quiet....completely unencumbered by the blaring noise that is my normal brain activity. Cars go by and birds chirp and the wind blows around me and I have internal quiet for exactly 8 minutes. If I could capture the feeling I have for those 8 minutes and save it up for especially stressed out days or moments of emotional turmoil, I'd never question my sanity again.

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