Friday, January 18, 2002

Is that so wrong?

Several times over the last few years I've been informed that my friends and I are "cliquey." It's always said in a disdainful way and for some reason that bugs me. I know how the word "clique" is defined (an exclusive group of friends or associates) and frankly, I don't like the way that portrays us or the negative connotations that go along with it. I think it's the "exclusive" part that bothers me the most. Exclusive implies that we specifically set out to leave particular individuals out of our social activities based on some unwanted trait or behavior those individuals display or posess. Like we have a background investigation and reference check process before we deem them worthy of our friendship or some such nonsense. I'm here to tell the world that such is not the case. When we all first found each other, we'd talk to any and everyone with complete disregard for race, socio-economic or religious background, differing opinions or value systems. And to this day, we still do that. We are all pretty accomodating, open-minded people and we found the acceptance that most of us weren't finding elsewhere in each other. The only difference now is that we don't go seeking random people to talk to because we have a history and comfort level established with our friends. I see nothing wrong with wanting to socialize with my friends as opposed to random strangers and since the rest of the world functions with that concept being the norm, I can't figure out why it's wrong or bad when we do it. I guess it's all a matter of perspective and when you're on the inside looking out, it's just as easy to feel persecuted as when you're on the outside looking in...

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