Monday, March 03, 2003

Hello 29!

Oh my gawd, I'm old. Wait, no, just kidding. I do remember thinking, when I was in my early teens, how old 30 seemed. Now that it's only a year off, I'm thinking 14 seems so very young. Perspective is a pretty cool thing.

They say that with age comes wisdom. On that note, I'm going to share the wisdom I've accrued thus far in my journey through life:

1. The easiest way to avoid disappointment is to have no expectations and simply see where the day takes you.
2. Things are never as bad as they seem while you're right in the moment.
3. If you project positivity/negativity, you're guaranteed to get it back.
4. Surround yourself with people who actually see you - all of your faults and strengths - and love you because of and in spite of those characteristics.
5. There's a huge difference between "I love you" and "I'm in love with you." You shouldn't say either if you don't mean it.
6. Just because the food in the fridge hasn't started growing mold yet, doesn't mean it's still good to eat.
7. Monkeys are infinitely cooler than most people.

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