Sunday, March 23, 2003

That Sucked. Jerks.

First things first: why didn't anyone tell me that 30 Seconds To Mars was, in fact, not coming to Portland as scheduled? The whole reason I even bought tickets to that crummy show was to see them. Bastards. Second: If you're the headlining band, shouldn't your set run longer than 7 songs? Granted, what they did play rocked, but a 40 minute set was not worth the almost 40 minute wait between Pacifier and Trust Co. dammit. The whole show was over before 11pm. And I actually paid money to sit there by myself (the roomie bailed). Stupid bands. Third: who in the hell is Pacifier anyway? What kind of stupid ass name for a band is that? I'm sorry, but the lead singer's accent didn't save him from coming off as a wanker. The crowd sucked, with eveyone just standing around looking stoned, and they certainly didn't warrant all of the "You guys fucking rock!" that both bands' singers kept yelling between songs. And finally: to the jackass next to me for most of the evening who brought new meaning to the words stupid, drunk and asshole - no, for the 40th time, I don't want any of your beer, so repeatedly trying to force it on me is not winning you any brownie points. If I see you on the street after last night's bullying, I have every intention of kicking your drunk ass out into the street in front of a bus.

And now we return you to your regularly scheduled pleasant Sunday afternoon.

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