Sunday, March 30, 2003

This One Might Be A Keeper

I dunno if it's just because of spring or if it's me or what, but I am having a great time with this guy. He called me around noon yesterday as I was walking to catch a bus headed downtown and we decided to meet up for lunch. He took me to a little asian place not far from where he works and we talked more than we actually ate. After work, he brought over The Ring (finally saw it and damn, that's a creepy movie!), Donnie Darko and The Road To Perdition (which we're watching tonight), we ordered in pizza and hung out all night. He called me on his lunch break today to tell me he was thinking about me. Holy schmoly.

So, to sum up, I like him. I'm comfortable with him. I was concerned at first about the age difference (he's 7 years younger than I am), but we're on the same level as far as maturity goes...he may even be more mature than I am... *shrug* And we've got some amazing chemistry. At this point, I'd usually be looking for flaws to find a reason to push him away. The walls I've built around my heart over the years are incredibly high and it's been easier for me to disuade people from trying to climb them than to take them down brick by brick. He's making me consider renting a wrecking ball.

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