Thursday, March 20, 2003


Just when you think no one new is reading, an e-mail shows up in your inbox from a newspaper reporter. He's writing an article on Portland bloggers and wanted to know if it's intentional that I haven't posted any war commentary since yesterday's attacks. He even referenced the post from the 11th and my comments about being sick of the whole thing. Well and so. I'm now stating for the record that I have a strict no-politics rule here at Bursting With Fruit Flavor and I've already beaten myself severely for the post on the 11th. I'm very, very sorry and it won't likely happen again. If, in the future, I should get so riled up about something some politician says or does, you can rest assured that any comments I make about it here will result in further and more severe beatings. Thankyouandgoodnight.

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