Tuesday, August 26, 2003

The Comfiest Bed EVER.

The minute I got home yesterday, I stripped the sheets off of my bed and threw them in the washer so they'd be done well before I was ready to go to sleep. Over the last few months, the center of my bed has slowly been sinking in and for some reason it finally bugged me enough yesterday to get down on my knees and look under there to find out why. Turns out the two 2x4s in the middle had slipped off the siderails and the thin slats that run the length of my bed weren't being supported by anything. After lugging the three futon matresses up, putting everything where it should be and giving the siderails a good kick to straighten them out, I'm pleased to say that my bed is flatter than it's been in months and I slept like a baby. It's so comfortable, in fact, that I didn't want to get up this morning. Not that I ever want to get up, but it's even better now than it was before. If I didn't have company coming down from Canada for Labor Day weekend, I would probably stay in it the whole three days. Seriously. It's that comfortable. What, you don't believe me? Wanna come check it out yourself? Well come on then. But don't get any ideas about staying there because it's mine. All mine. I'll let you take a nap or something, but that's it.

I really need to cut back on sucking down helium first thing in the morning...

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