Monday, August 18, 2003

Just What I Needed

Went to a baby shower bbq for Tina and Billy yesterday. Between the food and the beer, Shauna decided we needed to go down to the Boiler Room and sing some karaoke. Once things at the bbq were pretty much cleaned up and 9pm rolled around, we rolled ourselves down to the bar and rocked out until closing time. I was feeling kinda saucy so I busted out Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" and The Cars' "Just What I Needed" and Cheap Trick's "I Want You To Want Me" along with my usual standbys. Oh and this guy Bob showed up, sat at our table, kept pulling Shauna and me up to dance with him and called his girlfriend in Ireland and sang "Your Song" by Elton John to her because I told him it'd be a good one. Frickin' sweet.

Mom and Dad came up today to drop off my grandmother somewhere and stopped in at my office to take me to lunch at the Jasmine Tree. The sweet and sour chicken was really good and strange but true, Shauna had sweet and sour chicken for lunch today too (weird) with Ryan after they went to see Jason vs Freddy (which I refuse to see because it looks stupid). Anyway, Mom brought me the new Harry Potter book and I've already started digging into it. Looks like it'll be a quick read like the rest. However, I didn't get further into it than about ten pages today because when I got home Shauna said she was hungry and I said I wanted to watch a movie and the next thing I knew we were renting 4 dvds and ordering pizza. We watched How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days and still have Igby Goes Down, Comic Book Villains and Just Married to watch this week. Shauna has to go out of town for three weeks again on Saturday, this time to the OC (ha.), so we're getting as much stuff into this week as possible.

On a totally unrelated side note, my boss said, kinda out of the blue to me after I got back from lunch today, that she wants me to spend as much time as I can learning the assistant manager's job because she's already talked to her boss and let her know she thinks I'd make a good assistant. Crazy. That's probably the best compliment I've ever gotten from a boss. Anyway, we'll see how that plays out.

And now it's time to hit the sack. I'm navigating on auto-pilot and I think the plane is running out of gas....

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