Monday, August 11, 2003

Well This Just Sucks.

It's totally my luck that the guy I end up with a crush on from the weekend's festivities doesn't even live here. He left to go back to Burlingame (that's just south of San Fran for those non-Californians reading this) today and I'm surprised at how bummed out I am about it. What the crap, man? I knew he lived down there, but I went ahead and hung out with him and damned if I didn't start rambling (that's how I know for sure I'm interested in someone) on about art and cell phone voids and blah blah blah.... tres smooth, Nina. You just keep on talking so he leaves knowing for sure that you're an idiot. On the positive side, my friends couldn't talk him up enough and Sam is pushing for him to move up here. In fact, Nora said he gave him a 3 year ultimatum. Nice. Sam needs to turn on his matchmaking magic and work this out for me... Go Sam go.

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