Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Top 10 Reasons To Stay Home Tonight

10. Sleep is good.
9. I haven't done laundry in two weeks.
8. There are three movies just waiting to be watched.
7. There is leftover pizza in the fridge.
6. When I get home, I can change into pajamas and not have to think about what to wear for the rest of the day.
5. My room looks like it did when I had mono (a mess).
4. The dishwasher isn't going to unload itself.
3. I can't dye my hair at a bar.
2. I don't have to wear shoes if I don't want to.
1. It's free.

I'm going out to the Boiler Room tomorrow night anyway, so it won't kill me to stay home two nights in a row. At least I don't think it will. Guess we'll find out tomorrow, eh?

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