Friday, October 24, 2003

Annoying Karaoke Couples

Gotta share the conversation we had last night about the couples that have evolved at the karaoke bar: first, there are the couples that do the sappy romantic ballads...Badly. Please spare us the duets from Mannequin, Dirty Dancing, and/or American Tail. People don't want to hear that crap. If you're gonna sing a duet, take your cues from us and do the No Doubt w/ Bounty Killer version of "Hey Baby" because that's the shizznit. Then there are the girls who do the forbidden dance to every song (slow or not) and dedicate every song they sing to each other. Yeah, the first time we had to watch your little make-out show it was fine, but the act is getting old and no one thinks it's cute. Get over yourselves, girls.

In related news, being a cynic has it's privileges. We've convinced ourselves that since we're not exactly a couple and we don't do any of that cutesy crap, we're badass. Having said that, we've also established that we're dorks...But sometimes it's fun to be self-righteous.

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