Monday, October 27, 2003

A Good Kind Of Tired

The past weekend was pretty frickin' rad. Friday night, I went down to the bar early, hung out with Luke and Noah and got something to eat before the crowd showed up. Shauna and Trip headed out to the coast for the weekend, so I expected to have to leave early to catch a bus home, but D said he'd take me home and that was that. We spent most of the weekend together just hanging out and whatnot either at my house, out at the bar or the apartment he's watching for his boss. When he dropped me off at home yesterday around 2:30ish, I managed to take a shower and turn the computer on and promptly passed out until about 9ish, at which point I turned the computer off and went back to sleep until the alarm went off this morning. Oi.

He tells me about the music he loves (of which there's a whole lot). He tells me about his past relationships. He tells me about his family and where he grew up. He tells me I'm cute even when I've just woken up. He tells me he wants me to be happy and make me smile. He tells me he wants to always be honest with me. He tells me I'm amazing. And I don't know what to say...

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