Saturday, April 17, 2004

Reality TV Has Taken Over My Brain

I had the weirdest dream last night. I had just seen myself in the mirror for the first time after the 3 month program for The Swan when a limo pulled up and took me to the estate that I was supposed to pretend belonged to me ala Joe Millionaire. But it turns out it actually belongs to some relatives of mine and there is a restaurant on the property that belongs to my great aunt and uncle. I'm there to be The Bachelorette, the manager of the restaurant is Nick from The Apprentice, the head chef is Rocco from The Restaurant, they're both adorable and competing for my attention and I'm supposed to decide whether to pick Nick or Rocco to have dinner with my family and friends and start some whirlwind romance I go to this long dinner table in a private back room where everyone was waiting and ask my great aunt for advice. At this point, Nick walks in, completely disheveled and I don't even recognize him at first, with some guy named Derek who apologizes for being an uninvited guest and asks how I ended up at the restaurant. I turn to say something to Nick, whom I'd decided was my dream guy but magically disappeared, and then tell Derek that my great aunt and uncle own the place, flash my newly veneered smile at him and run out to try to find Nick. Turns out that he had to go back to New Jersey for some kind of emergency and may not be coming back and I didn't even get to say which point I woke up, tried to fall back to sleep really quick so I could get back into the dream, fly off to New Jersey and catch Nick, but only ended up dreaming that I was driving around the property in a really fast car through an obsticle course trying to find the exit so I could go on to the second day where I'd have to eat something really nasty. Guh. Stupid TV.

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