Thursday, December 12, 2002


So, I have a ton of free time, which means I'm constantly looking for ways to entertain myself. I went to Conan's last night to see Mark's band Wyatt Herb last night and that was.... ok, there's not a word readily available in my vocabulary to describe it. It's four guys in cowboy hats playing pseudo-reggae with Mark singing (?) and playing the lap-steel with tex-mex sound effects. I was amused, to say the least.

I've spent a fair amount of time with my head down over a box of beads since I moved up here, so I have a bunch of new jewelry to show for it. I need to take pictures of that stuff and see if I can sell it on E-bay or something. Or maybe I should go into some of the little local boutiques and see if anyone is interested in either buying it outright or a consignment deal. Something...

Oh yeah... I had the weirdest dream last night. I was sitting at the edge of a swimming pool and looking over the side into the water at the cut-out where the filter is. There was a little brown baby duck, half alive, just laying there sort of struggling. I reached down, picked it up, dried it off and set it down next to me. It seemed fine, so I looked over the edge of the pool again and down at the bottom, there were about 5 or 6 eggs starting to hatch. I dove in and swam to the bottom to get them all and some of them had come out of their shells so I hurried to get them all to the surface and dry them off. Once I dried them all off and made sure they were ok, I woke up. My dad gave me a dream dictionary last weekend and it says that baby animals in dreams signify a desire for children. Interesting, but I think that book is full of crap.

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