Monday, December 02, 2002

Taking a new approach

Since I've been actively looking for work for the last 2 1/2 months, but not in fact working, it's come to my attenton that I've been going about this process all wrong. I had another interview this morning and it went just like all the others have seemed to go - well. I smiled and gave a firm hand shake at arrival and departure, nodded and smiled appropriately during the job expectations monologue, answered all of the questions with careful thought and insight... basically, I'm an interviewer's dream candidate. I'm fully, if not at times over, qualified, personable, polite, professional and ready to start today. I pick up new skills with ease, learn names quickly, multi-task like a pro and do it all with a smile. Damn, I'm good! But, I still don't have a job. So, on my way home today, I'm sitting at the back of the #4 bus thinking to myself, "What the hell is your problem??" And then it hit me. The stench of dirty feet, old cigarettes and alcohol breath. Nice. Gotta love the bus. Anyway, I realized that the one thing I haven't been doing in any of these interviews is beg. Now, I've seen this tactic work like a charm when used on a frazzled mom in a mall, a sucker boyfriend at the movies, and even a softie police officer trying to give a ticket. I think begging just might work for me, too.

Begging has several merits. First, it's shows that I'm not too proud to ask for help. Yes, I do have some pride left and it's not like I'm begging for spare change. I want to earn that spare change. Second, it shows my sensitive side. I'm sensitive to rejection and I'm willing to beg to avoid it again. Finally, begging shows a potential employer that I'm willing to go to any lengths to prove how much I want to work for them. Ok, at this point I want to work for anyone, but they don't know that. So, if the job I interviewed for today doesn't come through, I'm gonna try this begging thing out and see how it goes. Not like I have anything to lose, right?

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