Monday, January 20, 2003

I'm afraid I'm becoming addicted

So, um, yeah.....I went to karaoke again Saturday night. This time with my roommate and we had the best time. Since it was just the two of us, the door guy had asked if we'd mind moving from the 8-or-more people booth we sat in so a group of 6 in the back could sit there, but we didn't want to lose our choice view of the stage so we said they could just come sit with us if they wanted. That turned out to be an excellent move as the people were friendly and chatty and we all had our own cheering section when we went up to sing. Shauna sang Pat Benatar's "Heartbreaker," "These Boots Were Made For Walkin,'" and Lita Ford's "Kiss Me Deadly" like a rockstar and I managed to slide through the Cowboy Junkies version of "Sweet Jane" without incident after the mic died and then came back about 15 seconds later during "Bette Davis Eyes." Also, a painfully shy mod boy admirer came and gave me his number at the end of the night. Go me! After karaoke, we went over to the guys' house for the after hours festivities and chatted with the boys from King of Spain, yet another band we know. Started talking to Shawn, the bass player, about what albums you'd pick if you were going to be stranded on a deserted island with only a cd player and five cds... great party convo that usually turns into a top five list marathon - movies, music, books, etc. With us, it turned into what makes us favor a particular album over the others released by a band we especially like. Interesting stuff. All in all, it was a most excellent evening that finally ended around 5am. And I'm ready to go out and do it again...

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