Saturday, January 04, 2003

Karaokeing Fool

I've been to karaoke more in the last week than I have in the last two years....and last night may well be the end of my foolish public singing career. I was on the phone when my name got called so I just said, "Hang on a sec, I've gotta go sing, but I'll be right back." and proceeded to ass out by singing Blondie "One Way Or Another." I could barely hear myself because the bar and the background music were so loud, I had smoky bar voice and I was a tad bit daunted by the fact that someone was listening on the phone. When I got back to the table, I picked up the phone and as I was apologizing profusely, I missed what the dj said about my oh-so-sad performance. When I asked my friends, after I finally got off the phone, how bad it was and what the dj said, they said he'd commented that he'd never heard it done that way before and that he thought I rocked. Huh. Either the dj is deaf, or he's a big fat liar. I'm voting for the latter since he sang three times and frickin' ruled!! So, yeah, if anyone ever comes out with me to karaoke, I apologize in advance for the damage I may inflict on your ears....

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