Sunday, January 05, 2003

Miles to go before I sleep

I'm starting to dread this time of the evening... sleep is elusive and my mind runs in overdrive. I think that anytime a person's life is in a transitional phase, the helpless, out of control feeling of not knowing what you'll have to deal with next makes sleep run scared. For people like me, that's a double whammy. Restless sleep means I have to force myself to be social when I'm awake. As an adult, I've finally admitted to myself that I have control issues to work on so feeling helpless just makes me go overboard about controlling the parts of my life that I still can. I guess working on those issues when the pressure's on makes the change that much more significant but crawling into a fully researched, well structured, predictable hole sounds perfect right about now. To top it all off, I've been craving some face time with folks I either haven't met yet (I know it sounds weird, thank blogger for that) or haven't seen in a long time. If I had extra cash, I'd be planning an escape reality trip. The way things stand, the only trip I'll be making is to the corner market for a quart of milk....

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