Thursday, January 09, 2003

Once there was a girl called Friday

"Hi, this is Tiffany from ---------- and I was wondering if I could speak to someone in your PR department?" "Hi, this is Tiffany from ---------- and I was wondering if you had time to help me with a market survey?" "Hi, this is Tiffany from ---------- and I need about 100 copies of your brochure sent to......" "Hi, this is Tiffany from ------- . I need to speak to someone about an invoice we received yesterday..." "Hi, this is Tiffany from --------- and we need someone to come out and look at our copy machine." "Hi, this is Tiffany from --------- and I just wanted to make sure you received the fax I sent about....."
"Hey, just wanted to let you know all the bills are paid..."
"Hey, just wanted to let you know I got all that filing done from the last 7 months."
"Hey, I just wanted to let you know I finished copying those forms and made new folders for them."
"Hey, I typed and edited that 13 page spreadsheet and it's saved on the common drive under....."
"Hey, sorry I passed out on the keyboard.....I'll finish labelling all the keys before I go home today..."

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