Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Word To My Homie In So Cal

My stomach is still sore from laughing on the phone with Jen and Josh last night. Every time I call Jen, I laugh until it hurts. Both of us do. And it's over ridiculous crap that I really don't think anyone else would find half as amusing as we do. Like daffy nooch. She's daffy and I'm nooch. Why is that funny? I have no idea. But it cracks us up and once we get going, it's hard to stop laughing. Last night, it was Josh saying, "Sup? Sup? Knowwha'msayin'? Knowwha'msayin'? Sup?" over and over and ending everything in "yo" and doing the always funny Elvis impersonation. Jen kept trying to get off the phone but then someone would say something funny and the laughing started all over again. Good times.

So, anyone want in on a three-way phone call? Pass me the digits and I'll make it happen...

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