Sunday, February 02, 2003

Feeling Slothy

I'm pleased to report that the bar we went to last night was not, in fact, a karaoke bar. It was a dueling piano bar. And I didn't have to sing all alone. The whole bar sang along with the piano players. The place is called Boogie Woogies and it kicks ass. After, we all went to Canita to catch the last 10 minutes of a salsa band and chat with my cousins. We were starving at that point, so we headed over to the 24-Hour Pancake House on Powell and promptly got kicked out for sitting down at a table before we ordered (who knew we weren't supposed to?). Anyhoo, after sleeping in until 11, I finally got up and took shower, got dressed and headed out to catch a movie, but missed the first showing by 1/2 hour. I don't feel like waiting until 4pm for the next one. I could see something else I guess, but I'm just not motivated to make a decision. I need to get something to eat, but I'm feeling pretty apathetic about that too. Could someone make some decisions for me and just wake me up when everything is sorted, please?

Oh yeah!!! I was having a nice chat on the phone Friday evening and the next thing I know, I'm being told that when she sent in the rent check, my roommate sent in our 30-day notice to vacate. Huh. A little later, she says she'll call the landlord and tell her we actually want 60 days as none of us has anywhere to move to at this point. Again I say huh. If someone could explain the logic behind any of that, please do share.

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