Saturday, February 28, 2004

Can't Sleep

Tonight was weird. I was hanging out for most of the night with some friends at the bar, one of whom's twin brother was in town for the weekend and was cracking me up, and as soon as they left, I walked over to get another beer and got into a conversation with the British guy, who a few minutes later asked me if I wanted to have sex with him. Of course, I said no....actually what I said was, "Um, no...I'm not the kind of girl that goes home with boys like you." I'd seen two very friendly girls talking him up not five minutes before and was kinda of surprised he didn't leave with them. When I asked how it worked that he'd pass up a two-for-the-price-of-one deal but wanted to sleep with me, the explaination I got was that there are lots of girls he "could" have sex with, but there are only certain girls he "wants" to have sex with... evidently, I fall into the latter category. That's great. Go me.

All I can say is this is proof that I don't just hook up with random people.

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