Thursday, February 19, 2004

I Spent Last Night Dreaming Of Your Eyes...

*Harry Connick, Jr. has the sweetest voice...I love "Dream Of You"*

Things are coming together nicely at casa de Lara and Tiff...just got the crap I had left in boxes in the living room up into the storage cabinets last night and it made a big difference as far as walking space goes. With the exception of a dresser to put my clothes in, I've got my room all organized. The only thing left to do in there at this point is put up the pictures and stuff on the walls. It amazes me how much I can get done if I just go to it right when I get home from work and don't slip out of work mode.

I get my commission check tomorrow and hopefully my taxes will get deposited then too, so I'll be able to go out tomorrow night guilt-free. I can't wait until next month when I go back to getting my whole paycheck every two weeks and don't have to stress out about going out and whether or not I'll have enough money to get to and from work. Ooh, and shopping...I haven't been shopping in ages. Guh. I hate not having money.

In other news, I think I'm getting two free tickets to the Blazer game this Saturday night and dinner passes to the restaurant at the Rose Garden. Dunno what the hell I'm going to do with the other ticket, but I'm excited about seeing the game...

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