Monday, February 23, 2004

Chinese Food, Reality TV and My Birthday Festivities

Seven Stars. Sweet and sour chicken, spring rolls, steamed rice. Hell yeah.

Got home tonight after hanging out with Shauna around 9:30ish, just in time to watch the last half of the tv show about the obnoxious fiancee. That was good stuff. I don't watch a whole lot of tv but for some reason, stuff like that sucks me in. Same deal with Fear Factor. I'd be on that show in a heartbeat. I don't know what it is about the prospect of doing mildly dangerous and potentially disgusting stuff that gets me going, but I love the idea of doing the challenges on that show. I don't get freaked out about random creatures crawling on me, heights, water, eating sick stuff, falling off of anything wearing a harness or anything else they've done on that show. Wait, I take that back... they did a naked models on a runway thing and I wouldn't do that, but everything else I'd do for 50 grand. So sign me up...

In other news, my birthday is next week and you have plenty of options available to you for celebrating the day I was born. First there's the pre-birthday Hawthorne bar crawl on Tuesday, March 2nd. If you're interested in hopping the bars from Imbibe up to the Space Room with us, let me know and I'll give you the details. I'm guessing we'll stop in here at the casa for a shot of tequila, courtesy of my boss who is currently in Mexico and will be bringing me back a bottle, so if you haven't stopped by our apartment to say hi and check it out, come on up. Then there's my actual birthday on Wednesday, March 3rd. We're heading down to the Boiler Room around 9ish, people are encouraged to dress up and the party will go on until I say when....probably right around the time the bar closes or I pass out, whichever comes first. I'll be sleeping late the rest of the week (I took my birthday and the following two days off for a five day weekend) and out all of the following nights, so don't laugh when I collapse on Sunday. Weee!

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