Wednesday, August 04, 2004

So Much For That Idea...

While I was waiting for the #14 bus to take me home yesterday, the #33 pulled up and someone was sitting in the back looking out the window at me. He looked and then looked away and then looked maybe he recognized me or something...and waved as the bus pulled away. Totally made me grin and pulled me out of my grumpy mood a little. So, thanks mystery bus guy.

Around 8ish, Shauna called and asked if I was going to the bar. I said I hadn't planned on it, but guessed I could. So, an hour later we're driving down to the BR and we're talking about how we've both been pissy lately...too much stupid crap going on, etc. We got to the bar and pool was still going on and barely anyone else was there. We parked it at the usual table and chatted with Brad for a bit before more people showed up and the singing began. We called it an early night around midnight and I slept pretty well with the fan pulling cool air into my room from the living room. Had weird dreams between hitting the snooze this morning...I was at someone's house, helping arrange presents for a party. I carried them into the main room and tried to make the table look nice and my grandmother (looking younger than she actually is for some reason) made some offhanded, surprised-sounding remark about how I was good at what I was doing...and I snapped back a comment about how amazing it was that I could possibly be good at something. She gave me a nasty look and fumbled for words and finally walked away. And I felt so good and so guilty at the same time. And then the alarm went off for final time and I got up. Guh.

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