Thursday, June 27, 2002

Going the distance

Looked at the calendar this morning and saw that my next trip north isn't until the 26th of July for my grandmother's 80th birthday party. What this means is that I won't be seeing any of my friends from Portland until then because if I want to see them, I have to make the effort and the 2 hour drive. Are you feeling the love? Yeah, me neither. I don't register on their social radar primarily because I'm what's known as a "fringe friend." I've known that group for about 5 years and know some of them pretty well, but because I don't live up there, I'm out of sight and therefore out of mind. Weird thing is, when I show up at a show or something, everyone seems happy to see me and asks why I haven't been around like they don't know I live 2 hours away or something. I'm always invited to the parties and I always have a place to stay. So, if I'm so dang popular, why isn't anyone seeking me out or visiting me? *sniffle*

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