Saturday, September 14, 2002

Going the distance

I got an e-mail from my old landlord yesterday telling me what else needed to be done in the apartment to get my whole deposit back and the list would have taken about an hour. So the dilemma today was this: do I drive all the way down there and back today to get the whole deposit back or do I save the $15 it would probably cost me for gas and lunch and call it good since the cleaning fee would be about $15 for the hour of work my landlord would have to do? I opted for plan B, but would have sucked it up and gone with plan A if I knew people would be around in Eugene to hang out with after I was done cleaning. Since I didn't plan ahead and call around to see what folks were doing, I'd hate to show up in town and find everyone gone for the weekend or something. *flash to a scene from a movie where the girl comes back into town after three days and the whole place is a deserted ghost town.... she goes running down the street a la Tom Cruise in Vanilla Sky and the screaming ensues*

My folks leave today for their two week trip from Chicago to New Orleans and I'm way jealous. They're bringing me back something from a voodoo shop in New Orleans so I'm excited to see what they pick out. Since they've heard about all the recent heart stomping, I'm betting on a love charm or a gris gris bag or something like that. Or maybe they'll just bring me back a zombie love slave. They have those in New Orleans, right?

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