Saturday, September 21, 2002

Movie hounds

Holy crap, dudes. My roomies (I'm calling Ryan a roomie now because he's always over and there's already been talk of the three of us moving into a bigger place...which would be super cool) went nuts at Blockbuster. We had originally planned to go see that new Robin Williams flick "1 Hour Photo," but when we got to the theater, we would have had to wait for almost an hour and a half and Shauna wasn't feeling good. Plan B became renting DVDs, going to the store for food and beer, and heading home. So, usually I'll get 2 movies, maybe 3 if I'm wired and it's early, but these kids picked out 5. That's right, 5. I guess it's not that big a deal since we have 'em for 7 days, but we already had "Lord of the Rings" waiting to be watched at home and that movie is frickin' LONG. I loved it, but it was long. Anyhow, we got "The Count of Monte Cristo," "A Beautiful Mind," "Resident Evil," "The Mothman Prophesies," and "Dahmer." I hadn't seen any of them, because I'm a slacker when it comes to seeing movies, so I'm set for the next week. We ended up watching "Resident Evil" and "The Mothman Prophesies" last night and then I thought I could hang for one more (it was only 11) so they put on "The Lord of the Rings" and they both fell asleep. We have three couches, so we each had our own, and between the ice cream, beer and Chinese food I had, I'm surprised I wasn't passed out with them. Must have been that Orlando Bloom that kept me awake... there's something about that elf that's just yummy... *L* So, yeah, if anyone wants to come watch movies, we have a crapload of 'em and there's plenty of couch space, so come on over.

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