Wednesday, September 11, 2002

T minus 1 and counting...

So, that's it. The packing portion of the program is done and all that's left is to pick up the U-Haul in the morning, fill it, and drive off into the residual smoke from the summer's forest fires. My housemate is out of town on business until Thursday night, so unless I break down and call someone, I'll be alone in the apartment my first night. That'll be weird. Yeah, I've been living alone for the last three years and I'm used to it, but I've started looking forward to having a housemate and it's always a little strange the first few nights in a new place. But, people here in Eugene are already planning to come up and visit and asking when I'll be back in town so it's making the transition a lot easier. I was already expecting my folks to be out of town for the next two weeks on vacation and not seeing them, so I won't have to think about the fact that I can't just call my mom and say let's go to lunch on a random Saturday until they get back. After tomorrow, all I'll really have to worry about is finding a job and I don't think that'll take too long. (hoping, hoping, hoping)

11 years in this place with all the people that have come and gone have made it home. There are some things I'll miss like Sam Bond's Garage, John Henry's, Dana's German Chocolate Cake at the Saturday Market and talking about random crap over a pitcher or three of Ruby with Chris at High St. There are also some things I won't miss like the Rockin' Rodeo, driving down 13th during the lunch rush when school is in session, and getting woken up at 3am by my noisy neighbor. And on that note, so long, Eugene, and thanks for all the patchouli hippie stink.

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